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8.Fellowship Bible Chapel with John Haller
13.Cornwall Alliance For the Stewardship Of Creation
16.Institute Of Creation Research
Sign Of The Times
Sign Of The Times 12/17/2024
Syria has fallen. Iran is weakened and Russia is occupied in their war in Ukraine and Turkey is just plain mad at Israel! Soon Israel will have peace with all of it’s border neighbors. They have defeated Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria. But it will be for a short lived I’m afraid. It appears the stage is being set for an Invasion from the north into Israel by Russia, Iran and Turkey. Libya and Sudan will join the fray because Russia has military assets in Sudan and Libya is loyal to Turkey and Iran. The stage is set for the main event and it is about to happen! Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 call it the Gog-Magog invasion of Israel! That puts us ever so close to the time of Jacob’s trouble that the Bible calls the Tribulation. It is period of time where God’s wrath is poured out for seven years on this Christ-rejecting world! I’m writing this on Wednesday but events are happening so fast that by the time you read this on Sunday things have probably drastically changed. One thing I know for sure is that God’s word won’t change. We don’t know the exact timing but we can see the signs all around us. We are experiencing the birth pangs of the wrath of God that is going to be born upon this world. But……before al these things the Bible tells us that this final seven years is a time for Israel according to Daniel 9:27. 70 weeks of years (490 years) are determined for THY people ISRAEL! This is about Israel owing God for their failure to keep His sabbath years 70 times. For desiring a man to be king instead of God to rule over them. 69 weeks have been fulfilled. Only seven years remain. The church, not Israel has been the work of God in the last two thousand years that soon that will be fulfilled. And then God will once again turn His attention to Israel for the final week of years. The purpose is to bring an end to their sin and anoint Jesus Christ as King over His people!
Sign Of The Times 12/10/2024
Economic Collapse Blog—Now Damascus has fallen, the Assad regime has been toppled, and it is a new day for Syria. But will it be a better day?
The Assad regime was horrible, but the radicals that are taking over are not exactly George Washington and the boys. The truth is that they are hardcore Sunni jihadists that have much in common with ISIS, al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Assad pretty much allowed Christians and other minorities in Syria to do their own thing, but now many fear that these jihadists will soon impose a brutal form of sharia law that will make life extremely difficult.
Ultimately, I believe that what just took place in Syria is setting the stage for the sort of history-changing events in the Middle East.—Economic Collapse Blog.
Isaiah 17:1 “The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.” The Bible says in the last days the cities of Syria will be deserted forever. Those Syrians who survive will be in disgrace. Most agree this will happen to Damascus just prior to or at the beginning of the tribulation period. Maybe as the Gog-Magog coalition marches toward Israel they will destroy Damascus. During this attack Israel will be living in peace with their border neighbors. God will defeat the Gog-Magog coalition which will lead Israel to sign a peace treaty with the Anti-Christ as he will guarantee their future security. This begins the seven-year tribulation period.
Sign Of The Times 11/26/2024
Rapture Ready News—Sebastian Gorka, appointed as senior director for counterterrorism by Donald Trump, has drawn attention with his recent remarks on Israel and the Palestinian territories. Known for his staunch support of Israel, Gorka declared that “Palestine” does not exist and called for Israel to prioritize military action over diplomacy in dealing with terrorism. n a separate interview with Perspectives TV Toronto, Gorka criticized the Israeli military’s leadership for underestimating the ideological and existential nature of the threat posed by groups like Hamas. “When more than 70% of Gaza or the West Bank think the murdering of children and the slaughter of young women is good, there is no political negotiation that will bring victory,” he said. Instead, Gorka advocated for the total destruction of terrorist leadership, referencing a recent Israeli operation targeting Hezbollah commanders in Lebanon. Gorka’s hardline approach has sparked both support and controversy. A longtime advocate for Israel, he was described in 2017 by former Israel Allies Caucus co-chair Rep. Trent Franks as “the staunchest friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”
—Rapture Ready News
Sign Of The Times 11/23/2024
Terry James—Unlike those who look for the Rapture in a darkening economic environment as the most likely time for Christ to call in the Rapture, I see the opposite. Jesus says business will be as usual. And business in Sodom in Lot’s time was apparently booming, even though the culture and society beneath the surface of activity there was as wicked and evil as our own subculture has become within the last number of years.
And unlike those who think the Rapture must be farther off than before because of Mr. Trump’s election, my thinking is opposite. Since Trump’s landslide election, the business world, even as reported in Trump-hating European media, is looking for business to boom. The American stock market recorded a record high immediately following election results. Matthew 24:44 “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” My desire is to exhort pre-Trib Rapture believers to not be part of the “think not” generation. We are certainly in times like the days of Lot as recorded in Genesis chapter 19. There appears on the immediate horizon every signal Jesus gave as what to look for when the time of His Return nears. Luke 17:28-30 “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed” (Luke 17:28-30).
—Terry James
Sign Of The Times 11/12/2024
Lifeway Research poll says 98% of churches won’t talk about eschatology or Israel. Why? Most don’t believe that’s what the Bible says about prophecy. They allegorize it are just blatantly ignore it. Many don’t understand it, or are afraid it will scare their congregations. This is just beyond belief that a man called of God to preach the word would fail to do the most basic fundamental thing….preach the word of God! But it is happening all over the world especially in America. And we wonder why there is so much sin in the world today? No need to wonder it’s plain as it can be. Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” This was an accusation for the nation of Israel and led to their punishment and ultimately being cast out of their land. We are not God’s chosen people here in America….but we were a nation founded on Biblical principles….so we are departing from those principles everyday. So this prophecy fits any nation that knows better and rejects the truth they know….is in big trouble with God. We better not reject Bible prophecy if we want God’s wisdom, guidance and encouragement for these times we live in today.
Sign Of The Times 11/6/2024
We should have a new “former’ president on January 20th at 12 noon. Not many expected this. What happened and why did God allow the return of Donald Trump? As to what happened it was pretty obvious that Trumps opponent was one of the worst presidential candidates in the history of the United States (and there have been some bad ones!) The incredible thing is that she got over 66 million votes. A far cry from Joe Biden’s 81 million in 2020. Funny how in 2020 there were 155 million votes cast for president and in 2024 there were only138 million votes cast. And news pundits claimed the turnout was heavy. Hmmm???? Nothing to see here! But anyway what is God doing here? We have to be careful and not expect a president to do what only Jesus Christ can do…and that is bring judgment and lasting peace to the world. We have to be careful not to lift Trump up more than he is. And not pretend this is God’s approval of Donald Trump! Yes…. God chose Him, but God chose Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon also. God does what He does for His own purposes and glory. While most of us can now breathe a sigh of relief from the communist totalitarians takeover, we must be more alert than ever! Three things we do know…there is coming a great deception…… Jesus will come when no one expects it…..and Jesus is coming to rule and reign. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus!
Sign Of The Times 10/30/2024
Jonathan Brentner—The condition of today’s church also shouts with the message that we live in the last moments before the Rapture of the church.
In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Paul depicts that the rebellious nature of people would mark the “perilous times” of the last days. We certainly see these attributes everywhere we look in our world. Sadly, however, they also exist among professing Christians, even among many who are truly born again.
When I look at the apostle’s list, the traits related to pride immediately catch my attention………
Lovers of self
Swollen with conceit
These qualities are far too common within the body of Christ and, more than any other sin, cause division among the saints and harm the cause of Christ in our world. Most, if not all, of the false teaching that exists in churches stems from those who believe THEIR interpretation of a text is far superior to the actual intent of the author who penned the biblical text in question.
Paul David Tripp wrote….”When you remember mercy, you also remember that you simply did nothing whatsoever to earn that with which mercy has blessed you. When you remember mercy, you are humble, thankful, and tender. . . When you forget mercy, you take credit for what only mercy could produce. When you forget mercy, you name yourself as righteous and deserving, and you live an entitled and demanding life.”—Jonathan Brentner
Sign Of The Times 10/23/2024
Terry James—The number of lies being told now and over the last two decades or so has grown exponentially. And the latest process of political prevarication reminds me so much of Lucifer’s original lie to himself.
Democrat Party “progressives”—those who comprise the driving force of Democrat ideological change in the “transformation of America” far from the traditional Judeo-Christian principles upon which America was founded. And this is where the Luciferian lying becomes manifest, in my opinion. There is a drive to bring America into the globalists’ New World Order. I believe this nation is the holdup to their determination to establish a world government Satan intends to use as his son of perdition’s Tribulation regime. I am of the studied opinion that the party of Luciferian prevarication—those at the top of its leadership—is working hand in hand with both demonic and humans to accomplish this satanic purpose.
All of that said, I equally believe Jesus will, any moment, begin the heavenly process of bringing this wickedness to an end. It will start with the Lord calling all believers to Himself in the clouds of Glory. The Rapture is imminent! —Terry James. 2 Thessalonians 2:7 “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.” The coming reign of the lawlessness of the Anti-Christ is already at work but it is restrained only until he who now restrains it (the Holy Spirit working through the church) is taken out of the way.
Sign Of The Times 10/16/2024
17 days until election day on November 5th. My advice? Do your civic duty as a citizen and a Christian and cast your vote. Then leave the results up to God. Worry about nothing, pray about everything! When you are talking about governments and nations….God is clearly the one who puts up kings and takes down kings for His own purposes. Daniel 2:21 “….he removeth kings, and setteth up kings…” He raises up evil kings and governments to bring judgment on an evil nation. When God’s people commit spiritual adultery there will be consequences. But those evil kings don’t get off the hook. It’s like the snake who eats its own tail….they will destroy themselves. Bottom line….we get the leadership we deserve. We get the governments we deserve. People always say “if we just had Godly leadership how different our nation would be today?” We don’t have Godly leadership because it is impossible for sinful humans to rule righteously! Yes we have some righteous people in leadership…..but there has never been enough Godly people to overcome the wicked. Locally I believe we have many good Christian people in leadership. But they cannot overcome the corruption in the state and federal governments. They can’t overcome the corruption in the alphabet government agencies. FEMA, CIA, FBI, FDA, IRS, and on and on who can make decisions that greatly affect me and you with no accountability whatsoever. The judicial, Legislative and Executive branches are all corrupted. What did you think the last days would look like? Look up for your redemption draweth nigh!
Sign Of The Times 10/13/2024
Hurricanes, flooding, disaster after disaster, wars and threats of wars, civil unrest, runaway inflation, presidential election and on and on I could go. We have an absence of peace in the world, and particularly in the region surrounding modern Israel, will soon create a power vacuum into which the prophesied end-of-days leader will one day vault to power. Antichrist will climb onto a platform of peace from which to launch his most terrible campaign of conquest.
Jesus said “when you see these things begin then look up your redemption draweth nigh.” I don’t worry about things I cannot control. And all I can control is my relationship to God and to others.
Luke 9:23 “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” We cannot do much but we can read our Bible daily, spend a dedicated time with God in prayer each day and fellowship with other believers. To know Christ is to know living to the fullest! If you do that your relationship to others will take care of itself. You will love one another, and serve one another.
You’ve heard that people are doing amazing things to help others in these flooded areas of our country. The churches and Christian organizations are always the first to step up to help making a tremendous impact on our society for Christ! The best thing, the most amazing thing you can do to impact your world for God is to know Christ and the power of His endless life……and He will guide you into everything else! I can honestly say that I have never had a detailed plan for my life. Since I was a young man my only plan is to get up each day and read the Bible and pray and go to church! And God has truly taken care everything else for me and He will for you too!
Sign Of The Times 10/6/2024
Israel faced an unprecedented barrage of ballistic missiles from Iran, yet miraculously suffered no casualties. As Hezbollah plans to invade northern Israel, the country prepares to strike Iran’s economic and military infrastructure. Iran promises more attacks. Israel Bans U.N. Chief Guterres from Entering Country After Failing to Condemn Iran. The country’s foreign minister, Israel Katz, announced he has designated the veteran Portuguese career diplomat “persona non grata,” meaning he cannot enter Israel, the Times of Israel reports. Guterres’s policies throughout the war have “provided backing to terrorists, rapists and murderers from Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, and now to the mothership of global terror, Iran.” In a statement, Katz affirmed “anyone who cannot unequivocally condemn Iran’s heinous attack on Israel. .as nearly all the countries of the world have done, does not deserve to set foot on Israeli soil.”
“Iran made a big mistake – and it will pay for it. The regime in Tehran does not understand our determination to defend ourselves and to exact a price from our enemies,” said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the start of the Security Cabinet meeting later on Tuesday evening. Bottom line…It is really heating up. Here’s what may happen…..Israel will severely handicap it’s enemies in so much that they are not a threat and Israel can live in peace according to Ezekiel 38:11 Israel will be at rest living in unwalled cities. Then Iran will team with Russia and Turkey and Lybia and Sudan and lead a ground invasion of Israel. Rockets don’t work. They don’t have a navy and enough jets. This is leading up to the Gog-Magog war. “When you see these things begin to happen….look up your redemption draweth nigh.”
Sign Of The Times 9/28/2024
President Joe Biden’s administration is allowing up to 650,000 criminal migrants and suspects — including at least 13,099 migrant murderers and 222,141 migrants facing criminal charges — to roam through American communities, according to a dramatic data dump by a House Republican. One of the reasons that God destroyed the world before the flood due to so much violence. Genesis 6:11 “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.” We are seeing and going to see a great uptick in violence in these last days. Micah 6:12 “For the rich men thereof are full of violence, and the inhabitants thereof have spoken lies, and their tongue is deceitful in their mouth.” Matthew 24:6 ….”And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars:” Matthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom…” Matthew 24:9-10 “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.”
Jesus Christ brings peace to the world. When Jesus Christ walked this earth historians tell us that there were no conflicts, no wars in the world. He is the prince of peace. We are living in perilous times. We are seeing the Beast kingdom prepared. The signs are everywhere! Know Jesus, Know peace. No Jesus, no peace.
Sign Of The Times 9/3/2024
Hamas terrorists filmed the six Israeli hostages before executing them last week — a gruesome reminder of the tactics of psychological warfare once used by ISIS. The Jerusalem Post reported. The hostages were executed with gunshots to the head. This past Monday in Israel people protested against Benjamin Netanyahu. Demanding that he cease fire in Gaza immediately so the hostages remaining can be released. And in New York city the same day a huge rally against Israel and Netanyahu again the same thing…demanding a cease fire and that Israel strike a deal with Hamas to free the hostages. Everyone is blaming Israel for the murder of the hostages! Am I in the twilight zone? In what universe do we defend cold blooded terrorist murderers and condemn a people defending their country against them? This universe! I doesn’t matter that Hamas took innocent hostages on October 7th of last year and has murdered most of them. Unbelievably countless protesters have taken to the streets in the defense of the hostage takers and murderers! Not one protest against the terrorists! Where is the outrage? Everyday I shake my head in amazement of the upside down reasoning of people in the world today. I keep reminding myself of this “what did you think the last days would look like?” God told us these things will happen. God has given people over to reprobate minds of Romans 1:28 “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.” 2 Timothy 3:6 “ Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.”
Sign Of The Times 8/28/2024
Greg Laurie—Jesus Warned Us: In The Last Days, People Will Ignore Prophetic Warnings.
What a violent culture we live in today. Violent crime is sweeping the country. We’re afraid to go out on the streets at night. Jesus said that things would be increasingly wicked in the last days, and the climate of the time prior to His return would be similar to the climate of the time during Noah’s life. So what was it like in Noah’s time? Are there any distinguishing characteristics that parallel our own? Jesus said, “For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:38–39). Jesus was saying that in the last days, people also will ignore prophetic warnings. They’ll disregard the clear message of God to them. For the most part it will be business as usual. People will go on with their day-to-day activities. Are you ready for His return? Are you looking for it? It means being ready to meet Him. It means living in anticipation of the return of Christ.
To put it another way, it means that you shouldn’t be doing things that would hinder your spiritual life. The teaching of the return of Christ should serve as a motivator, as a comfort to you. As John said, “And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure” (1 John 3:3). It’s looking for and welcoming His return. And if there’s anything in our lives that should be changed, anything that is not right with God, we should deal with it now. —Greg Laurie
Sign Of The Times 8/20/2024
America’s Free Press—The Stand Up America US Foundation intelligence team has been deep-diving into “who is really running the US government.” The team in charge operates behind closed doors at the White House. Obama is the in-place leader who controls and directs operations daily. Like ‘Spectre’ in a James Bond movie, the team controls much of the country and the world. For several weeks, the United States of America, the supposed sole remaining global superpower, has operated in a bizarre state of suspended animation. Indeed, the world has continued spinning (out of control, we might add). However, few seem to be interested in President Biden’s effective expulsion from the reelection race by his fellow Democrat Party elites. Since then, he has been kept mostly out of the public spotlight. Meanwhile, his vice president, Kamala Harris, who has succeeded him as the presumptive Democrat Party presidential candidate, is anywhere but in Washington. The Council” (Deep State) and everything that stems from it have been in control of the United States They employ the tools of indictments, obstruction, and government agencies they have weaponized to attack their enemies under false pretenses of law. They alone decide who will be the victors and the vanquished in politics, business, the economy, media, elections, and education, and they do so with complete amorality.—Amercia’s Free Press
Psalm 11:3 “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? “ Psalm 11:1 “ In the Lord put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?” Christians trust in God. They don’t panic and run for the hills away from the enemy and troubling times!
Sign Of The Times 8/13/24
Have Christians given up? Are we supposed to fight to get our country back? Well yes and no. I know that if good men do nothing then evil will advance. I know that sometimes we have to fight for our freedoms and our way of life. That’s why we have armies and nation states. But should we fight against what God has decreed with happen? We know that God is going to judge this world. We know that God will bring down a nation that has rejected Him. Has our nation gone too far? I know so! So what should a Christian do? Run for office? Campaign for our favorite candidates? Join a protest? People are telling us that it is up to true Christians have to get our nation back and that the church has failed in it’s mission to get America back. Has the church failed? What is the mission of the church? To make sure Christians are in political office? To make sure governments are good? Here is our mission: Matthew 28:19-20 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” If we go and proclaim the gospel some people will be saved and that will change their lives and if enough get saved that will change governments! We are to preach to one person at a time. We are never told to reform governments. We are told to obey the law unless it contradicts God’s word. The apostle Paul never railed on the Roman government. He was under Nero for awhile. The Bible says that in Daniel 12:10 The righteous will be tried, the wicked will do wickedly but the wise will understand the times and know what is coming. Preach the word of God and warn people what is coming upon them. That is job number one!
Sign Of The Times 8/7/2024
We have morons in the government. There is no doubt about it! Kamala Harris is clearly. Tim Walz is the moron who caused the George Floyd riots in his own state in 2020 and did nothing but fuel the fire. He gave free divers Licenses to Illegal’s. We get the leaders we deserve! Joe Biden is a bumbler. He mumbles when he speaks. When we can understand him he makes no sense. He was a disaster at the debate. Kamala has yet to have a press conference where she has to answer questions. Because she doesn’t know any answers! Joe, Kamala and Tim are just puppets of the globalists. The Globalists actually have to be pretty impressed with what they have been able to do. They got the whole world to shut down over a cold virus. They got the most popular president in history out of office. They got the most despised crook in congress elected as he stayed in his basement. Now they have Kamala Harris all set to take office in January. I think they put morons in office just to show how powerful they are. Look what we can do! But God is not impressed nor is He going to be mocked. He has allowed it for two reasons.
- American’s have reprobate minds because of their sin and rejection of God. Romans 1:28 “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.”
- Globalists know they can put morons in office because big media, big government, big business and the legal system will support anything they do because they all have been bought and paid for.
Psalm 2:4 “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.” God laughs and mocks the things men are doing today. Especially in America! Job 12:24-25 describes America’s leadership today. “He taketh away the heart of the chief of the people of the earth, and causeth them to wander in a wilderness where there is no way. They grope in the dark without light, and he maketh them to stagger like a drunken man.”
Sign Of The Times 7/30/2024
Last week I saw this post on Fakebook…”God made gay people that way.” To prove it she quoted Psalm 139:14 “I will praise thee; for am fearfully and wonderfully made.” This passage is simply talking about the physical body of a human. By the way…. the sexual preference of a human is clearly assumed by our design. The human body is the crowning achievement of God’s creation even in our fallen state. Nobody is made a poet, or a guitar player. We learn these behaviors. We may have to natural tendency to do certain things, but God did not program us to follow certain directions and God didn’t pre-load our choices at birth.
The wonder of God’s creation is that He made man with the ability to choose morality. Good or bad. Animals act on instinct not choice. Need, not greed.
Because we are fearfully and wonderfully made God does not want our bodies to engage in filthy immoral practices. Do they really believe that God created a human being to do that which is absolutely disgusting to even think about…that He called an “abomination”?
The lady also said that we shouldn’t judge gay people. They quoted Matthew 7:1 “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” This actually means do not judge, criticize or condemn others unfairly with an attitude of self-righteous superiority because you certainly don’t want to be judged that way.
Don’t make judgements of people without knowing all the facts.
But…..we can and should make righteous judgments. John 7:24 “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” It is non-sense for someone to say we are not to judge anyone. We do it everyday. Police do it. Authorities do it. Every business judges people based on what kind of customer or employee they want. Are you going make a judgement to keep a known thief away from your house? Or are you going to refuse to judge and let him do harm to your family? People will go to extremes to justify their own evil desires; they will boast about themselves and twist God’s word around to their own advantage. Yes, God made our bodies an amazing thing…but we don’t get to use them anyway we want.
We should judge evil. That is clear. God called on His prophets to declare Israel’s sins and called on them to repent. God was angry that His leadership did not call out the people for their sin. God was angry that they didn’t make a righteous judgment.
We all must give account of our actions and our choices….. to God the righteous judge!
Sign Of The Times 7/16/2024
Jonathan Brentner—If you are like me, you wonder how much closer we can get to the start of the Tribulation before we meet Jesus in the air. When I wrote about nearness of the seal judgments (Revelation 6) a couple of years ago, I thought that by now, they surely would have at least begun.
The globalists themselves seem frustrated at the lack of progress in implementing their agenda. The WEF (World Economic Forum) joined with the UN last fall in recommitting themselves to attaining all of the UN’s seventeen Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. They know something is holding back their diabolical plans to enslave the world under a totalitarian Marxist regime. We know it’s the restraining force of the Holy Spirit (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8).
The closer we get to the start of the Day of the Lord, the more we understand how the Rapture will serve as a catalyst to jumpstart many of the events we read about in the book of Revelation.
I imagine an electronic jigsaw puzzle where all the other pieces light up after someone puts the last one in its proper place. In this case, it’s the Rapture. It’s the missing piece. The world today is falling into total chaos. Everyone wants a leader, someone to save us from this mess. He is on the way…the Beast, the man of sin. He can’t come down until we go up! —Jonathan Brentner
Sign Of The Times 7/9/2024
Prophecy News Watch—In the book of Jeremiah, we are reminded of the dangers of people pretending to speak for God when, in fact, they are spreading lies.
Jeremiah 14:14: ” Then the Lord said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.”
One such recent example is Presbyterian Pastor Rebecca Todd Peters, who preached that if Jesus were giving his Sermon on the Mount today, he might add, “Blessed are those who end pregnancies, for they will be known for their loving kindness.”
Peters is on a mission to shift the Christian paradigm that abortion is not only not sinful but a good and moral thing to do. She of course serves on the Clergy Advocacy Board of Planned Parenthood and often wears her Planned Parenthood stole when giving sermons. Peters ironically serves as co-moderator of the Faith and Order study for the World Council of Churches on Moral Discernment in the Churches.
Now, these compromises are very obvious—the lies are right out in the open, and the majority of Christians can see them for what they are: deceptions from the enemy. But most compromise is much more subtle (and the ‘in-your-face’ compromise usually starts out with subtlety). Christians need to be equipped to recognize and answer this subtle compromise, keeping their thinking aligned with God and His Word.”—Prophecy News Watch.
Sign Of The Times 7/2/2024
Biden’s top Gen-Z surrogates – called for the president to take out Trump AND the Supreme Court. Writing on X: “According to the Supreme Court, Biden could now send in Seal Team 6 to take all of them out. . . . . People have lost their minds over presidential immunity. The Supreme Court last week ruled that presidents have now and have always had immunity from prosecution. These people have no idea what presidential immunity means. It simply means the president can’t be prosecuted for any actions that are line with the constitution. He does not have to fear certain political groups taking revenge on him for policies they did not like while he was president. He can’t be sued for speaking freely about any constitutional matter that pertains to the office of President. He can’t be held responsible for allowing certain groups actions as long they follow their constitutional rights! He can’t be prosecuted for arresting those who are conspiring against the constitution. He CAN be prosecuted when he goes off the constitution and starts persecuting his political enemies. (Hmmm that sounds like what is going on right now!) Congress has a method to get rid of a president that goes off the constitutional rails. It’s called impeachment!! People are schmearing the Supreme Court for doing what they have always done for every president that we have had…..allow him to do his job and fulfill his oath to the constitution without fear of reprisals later!
Sign Of The Times 6/29/2024
Amir Sarfarti—Yes. Things are escalating in the north. Yes, we have political turmoil. Yes, my region of the world is chaotic. However, none of these realties change the fact that the promises of God are sure. God initiated my blessed country through Abraham. He rescued it through Moses. He restored in through Joshua. He preserved it through David. He rebirthed it from the ashes of the Holocaust, and He’s going to do an amazing work in my people in the future, just as He promised through the prophets and New Testament authors. Romans 11:25-27 KJV – “For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.” US apathy and manipulation remains a constant issue for Israel as we seek the end of Hamas. By now, you should be asking yourself, “Why would a country stand in the way of Israel trying to eliminate a terrorist organization that killed 1,400 civilians? The United States leadership has turned on Israel. Israel is facing many challenges. Israel has many more challenges. There is the coming war in the north. Trouble in the Gulf. And Russian activity all around Israel. Israel’s economy is in shambles and anti-Jewish sentiment around the world is increasing. But nothing can change the promises of God concerning Israel.
—Amir Sarfarti.
Sign Of The Times 6/18/2024
America could be the most evil nation in the world right now! More wicked than Muslim nations? More wicked than China and Russia? I think so. We have the light of the gospel, the Bible and a government founded on the principles of the Bible. We were the world’s biggest supporter of God’s people and their land Israel. We still are the biggest missionary, Bible printing and Bible distributing country in the history of the world! So how can we be the most evil? It’s because we have departed from being the light of the world. We brought the only light of Jesus Christ to the world. Evil forces have been working on our country for more than a century to bring us down and destroy our Christian base.
Our leaders are promoting degenerate sexual deviancy to the whole world. We are the world’s leading child traffickers. We are inundated with satanic secret societies. More than 41 in our Ivy League schools. We are in league with the evils of the UN, the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization. We have allowed China free reign in our nation. We are involved in illegal activity in Ukraine that we are desperately trying to save with a war against Russia. We have started more wars, set up countless puppet regimes and murdered more politicians around the world than any nation could even imagine. But for some reason we allow China, the UN, the Gay agenda, Muslims and anyone on the left to control the media, the courts, the schools, the military and the medical world.
We have surrendered our borders to invaders who they hope will change the very fabric of our society and destroy patriotism from within. Our leaders have surrendered to every new world order faction there is. The new world order isn’t new…..but is the old Babylon religion and economics first begun by Nimrod and has continued to this day as we learn in Revelation 17 and 18. We are the most evil now because we were once the most good.
Sign Of The Times 6/16/2024
Follow The Money: Universities Soak Up $13.1 Billion In Arab Funds
—Prophecy News Watch—
According to my report, Arab Funding of American Universities: Donors, Recipients and Impact, American universities have accepted nearly $55 billion in foreign funding; nearly one-fourth came from donors from, and the governments of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. Qatar is by far the largest source, donating nearly $6 billion.
Oddly enough though Columbia University the worst Hamas and Arab supporter supposedly doesn’t receive any money from Arab nations. Gifts to American universities are also designed to enhance the image of the Arab states and their rulers. Saudi Arabia, for example, wanted Americans to forget that 15 of the 19 hijackers on Sept. 11, 2001, were Saudi nationals. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has sought ties with prestigious universities to promote his image as a progressive leader who is modernizing his country and to offset the negative attention he has received for his alleged role in the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
We do know which universities receive the money, but we rarely know what it is used for. Cornell is the largest recipient of Arab funds with more than $2.1 billion. At least $752 million was for the Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar. That means $1.4 billion–more than half the money it has taken from Arab sources–is unaccounted for.
This is the norm. Nearly three-fourths (8,958) of the contributions, worth almost $10 billion (76% of all Arab funding), have no description. The Bible says “Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches. Psalm 73:12
Sign Of The Times 5/30/2024
The World Needs To Wake Up To The Grave Consequences For Dividing Israel.—Harbinger Dailey—
Ultimately, it is God who owns the land of Israel. In Leviticus 25:23, God says, “The land shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine…” Seeing then that God owns the land, He has given it to the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Period.
Well, the world is ignorant, we know, of what God’s Word says. They make decisions based on their own thinking and debased minds. Such was the case when, just recently, Ireland, Norway, and Spain decided they wanted to further divide God’s land by recognizing a Palestinian state.
How about that? Pressuring Israel to make peace with the people who wish them dead? That’s disgusting. Instead of standing with and supporting Israel to allow them to destroy the terrorist organization Hamas and their last Gaza stronghold in Rafah, they join with many others demanding an end to the war, which only allows Hamas to live and fight another day.
To top it off, these nations are rewarding the Hamas’ demonic atrocities committed on October 7 while pressuring Israel to divide up their land once again for so-called “peace.” Let me tell you, Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas isn’t interested in two states. They want one state—the state of Palestine—from the river to the sea, where no Jew can set foot in. There is a stern warning for the world in God’s word. “I will bless those that bless [the Jewish people], and I will curse those that curse [them]” (Genesis 12:3).
Wake up, world, and get on board with God’s prophetic plan for Israel!—Harbinger Daily—
Sign Of The Times 6/6/2024
Jack Hibbs— If you are a pastor who says, “We just preach the gospel,” and neglects to get involved in the things your people have to live through six days a week, you are an idle Shepherd. You may have a degree. You may have your doctorate in ministry. You may come from a long line of preachers. That is irrelevant! Unless you and I are being salt and light and effective in the culture, we have become good for nothing to be cast out on the roadway and trampled under the foot of men (Matt. 5:13). In that scenario, our lampstand has been removed from its holder, Jesus said, because it has become a candle without a light (Matt. 5:14-16).
Christian: This nation is dying, if it’s not already dead. Why? A dead church.Each of us is going to have to make a decision. Do you do what God tells you to do, or will you do what Caesar tells you to do? Whoever you obey, that is your Lord. If Caesar says you are forbidden to talk about these issues—that they have taken and declared to be political—are you going to cower back into your corner and stay silent? If so, then you are complicit in the destruction and the attack against the will of God.
I pray that you will find it within yourself as a believer to get involved, knowing that at any moment, we can go to heaven by either rapture or death. Until that time, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16).—Jack Hibbs
Sign Of The Times 5/21/2024
A football player got in trouble recently for comments made at a commencement address at the Catholic Benedictine College. Harrison Butker a place kicker for the world champion Kansas City Chiefs…..dared to suggest that most of the young women in the audience ought to be more excited about marriage and family than they are about their future careers.
The portion of Butker’s commencement speech that got the most backlash were the comments he made about women being sold “diabolical lies” regarding their professional careers.
“I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolic lies told to you,” Butker said. “Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.”
Many on the left have been throwing fits of rage over these comments.
But the truth is that we should all value marriage and family over our careers. He also spoke out about the blasphemy of the president making the sign of the cross while at an abortion event. He spoke boldly about the murder of unborn children.
Harrison Butker is a Catholic. I do not agree with anything about the Catholic faith. This young man seems to have unusual courage and wisdom not normally shown by Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, or Presbyterians sad to say. Hopefully Harrison may be one of the rare Catholics who actually know Jesus Christ as their Savior despite their teaching or lack of Biblical teaching. Pray for Him.
Sign Of The Times 5/15/2024
Front Page Mag—Left leaning protesters can block roads, burn federal and state buildings, destroy publicly funded statues and destroy private property. One system. Two sets of rules. Eco-terrorists have attacked priceless works of art and history. Hamas supporters have blocked roads, bridges, and airports. They’ve shut down campuses and assaulted students and faculty.
And all of it has gone unpunished. But one woman is going to prison for almost 5 years for protesting abortion. A federal judge sentenced the leader of an anti-abortion group to more than four years in prison for
orchestrating a conspiracy to violate patients’ rights by forcibly blockading a D.C. clinic in 2020. Lauren Handy, 30, and nine co-defendants were indicted on felony charges of conspiracy against rights and violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act for forcing their way into the Washington Surgi-Clinic on F Street under a false name and then using chains, bike locks, furniture and their bodies to prevent patients from entering the facility and police from removing them.
So the did exactly what Hamas supporters are doing all over the country. Except they had the wrong politics and they did it at a place where civil disobedience is not allowed.
Now personally I oppose violent protests, vandalism and generally interfering with and blocking people. It’s a measure to only take in extreme cases when you’re willing to go to jail for your beliefs.
That said, we cannot have a system in which some people protesting go to jail for 4 years and 9 months while others get a desk appearance ticket.
—Front Page Mag. Proverbs 14:34 “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”
Sign Of The Times 4/30/2024
Jan Markel—Have you ever been betrayed? Maybe you have more than once. Maybe many times. I bet you find it hard to trust anyone now. You see, the Jews didn’t take things seriously in Germany in the 1930s. It wouldn’t get all that bad. They were comfortable back then. Whatever was happening would blow over. The Jews had contributed in so many positive ways to European society. The warning signs had to be false alarms!
This time they are paying attention. They’ve gotten the message that now it is the two-minute warning! Here’s why. Their 75-year ally, America, is chastising, marginalizing, scolding, and telling them to lose their war. Don’t retaliate when attacked. Their long-time friend favors Iran. Politicians who are “one of them” have turned on them. Can you say, Chuck Schumer? The media has betrayed them—even the conservative media. Can you say “Tucker Carlson?” Most of the church is hostile due to Replacement Theology. Others don’t want to make waves or wade into controversy.
Every global outfit from the U.N. to the W.E.F. to the I.C.C. to the E.U. laments the plight of the so-called Palestinians. In fact, most of the world feels the Jews are the oppressors and the Palestinians are the oppressed. They support Hamas. They have sympathy for barbarians. So, someone is waiting in the wings who is the ultimate betrayer and he will fool them, too. Because they are in a state of fear and anxiety, they will be open to his cunning message. This global mover and shaker may be inconsequential right now, but he is rehearsing how he will play into their insecurities. He’s in the shadows now—Jan Markel
Sign Of The Times 4/26/2024
The Blessed Hope. Titus 2:13 “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” The Lord Jesus is coming for His church. How blessed would that be if we have to go through the tribulation? I guess it would a blessing to be taken out of the middle of the tribulation for sure. But the focus words here are “That blessed Hope, and……” Hope in the Bible is knowing that something is going to happen for sure. Paul separates the phrase “that blessed hope,” with a comma and the word “and”. So evidently that blessed hope is something and the appearing of Jesus Christ is something else. And he calls it “that” blessed hope. “That” means something specific. A specific hoped for blessing. He doesn’t say “the” blessed hope. How blessed is it to be looking for “that” tribulation and the glorious appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ? That’s not being very blessed. The phrase “that blessed hope” means “that expected blessed moment of our hope fulfilled.” Is it a blessing to encounter the judgment and wrath of God? No scripture has ever described the judgment of God as a “blessing.” The way “that blessed hope” is stated it also seems to be a moment of time. The rapture will be in a moment in the twinkling of an eye. It is a specific moment in time. The rapture occurs in a moment and then we see Jesus as He comes for His bride….. the church. Then we are rewarded. We are wed. We have a supper. Then we return with Him seven years later. The true meaning of “That Blessed Hope.”
Sign Of The Times 4/17/2024
Bill Wilson—President Joe Biden’s siding with Islamic terrorists by demanding an immediate ceasefire by Israel at the threat of withholding American support is a drastic change in US Middle East policy that moves the end-time prophecy clock ahead.
The Biden threat signals to the terrorist enemies of Israel that terrorism works and propaganda about humanitarianism takes precedence over the stated mission of wiping Israel from the face of the earth. This is nothing short of an apocalyptic event and a very public demonstration of worldwide anti-Israel sentiment.
Let’s be perfectly clear—there is no moral equality between Hamas and Israel. What Biden is doing is memorializing the Obama Middle East policy of advancing radical Islam. His recent actions embolden Israel’s enemies, which are both traditional and biblical. Biden wants Israel to cease military actions against a terrorist organization that, in line with Iran, wants to eradicate Israel and Jews. This signals to Israeli enemies that America no longer has the will to support Israel. This showing of weakness endangers both Israelis and Americans. It opens the door for advancing end-time prophecy, such as what is found in Zechariah 12:9, where the LORD says, “I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.”
Biden is signaling to end-time players like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Libya that he will bend to the terrorist enemies of Israel rather than do what is right and just. This is not a good sign for America.—Bill Wilson
Sign Of The Times 4/9/2024
Irrational. The belief that something is not possible or not likely to happen. The world thinks that Israel should have a cease fire in their war with Hamas in Gaza. They claim that Israel is behaving irrationally by continuing their attack on Hama and causing a humanitarian crises for the harmless citizens of Gaza. What is irrational is for the United States and the rest of the world to think that a cease fire will do anything for the safety of Gazan’s, Israel and the rest of the western world. Why is it that no one EVER calls for Hamas to surrender and return the hostages immediately? This would allow food and supplies to get to the people of Gaza without any problem. And the people of Gaza would be safe overnight! To call for Israel who was attacked… stop the war and Hamas who started the war to get off scot free. That’s irrational! But these wicked blind people have only one agenda….to destroy Israel and the Jews! To blame Israel for everything! The west is just as wicked and blind as the Islamic world to the nation of Israel. It’s predicted in the Bible. Zechariah 12:2-3 “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”
Sign Of The Times 4/3/2024
Is judgment coming for America? The dwindling support for Israel in the United States will be our downfall. If we ignore the people God loves that’s bad enough. But if we OPPOSE the people that God has chosen and put His name upon…..we should expect repercussions. How did this happen? First of all…..bad theology. Replacement theology has the church replacing Israel. So all of the promises to Israel are given to the church. There is no such passage in the Bible. God has determined 70 weeks for His people the Jewish people. The Church is the Bride of Christ. The redeemed from all of mankind. Israel is the chosen of God. Secondly….Lack of Bible prophecy teaching in our pulpits. If we understand Bible prophecy we understand God’s plan for Israel clearly. Thirdly….Zionism has become a bad word in America. Zionism refers to the fact that Israel belongs to the Jewish people alone. But when people use the word today it means a secret society of Jews whose goal is world domination! The Jews are to blame for everything bad in the world! Everyone who loves the truth of the Bible will love Israel and the Jewish people! We have so much to thank them for. The Devil has so much to hate them for. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Sign Of The Times 3/29/2024
The U.S. abstention on the vote in the U.N. Security Council for an “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza is a fundamental betrayal of the U.S.-Israel alliance. Every time we go against Israel God allows strange and tragic events to happen in America. Here is what happened after the US voted to “not vote” in support of Israel.
*A cargo ship destroyed the Francis Scott Key bridge and will have an enormous effect on supply chains and expect 2,400 jobs to be lost at the Baltimore port.
*Hail storm in Texas destroyed Major Solar farm.
*Flood watches in the Northeast due to excessive rainfall.
*Mystery illness spreads among cattle in Texas, Kansas and New Mexico.
*Fairfax County Democrats mock Christians by choosing Easter to have a Transgender Visibility Day.
*Live on TV a woman manifested a demon while Pastor JD Farag was preaching a sermon about the end times.
*Washington State decided to force foster parents to take children to LGBT pride parades.
*Puff Diddy Combs is in big trouble over sex trafficking that will involve many high powered politicians and media personalities.
The media is against Israel, most evangelical churches are against Israel. We know that Israel is in unbelief right now. We don’t support their politics or their spiritual beliefs but we support the land and the people…. who are still God’s chosen. The whole world is unknowingly pointing to them right now as fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
Sign Of The Times 3/20/2024
Syria is directly northern neighbor to Israel. Russian forces have been in Syria since September 2015. They entered the Syrian Civil War basically to save Bashar al-Assad’s hide. Assad eventually prevailed in that Civil War and the Russian incursion into Syria was the game changer. More forces from Russia are moving to Syria probably to support the Hezbollah terrorist group there. What does this all mean? Keep your eye on the Gog-Magog invasion in the future.
What about the war with Hamas in Gaza? What we have seen in Gaza is merely an opening skirmish. The real showdown will be with Tehran….The residents of the north are not so lucky. While Hamas may have been significantly degraded in Gaza (which you can also tell from the fact that what used to be daily sirens in Tel Aviv are now a monthly affair), Hezbollah’s arsenal of perhaps 160,000 rockets. All of this is a prelude to the coming afore mentioned Gog-Magog war when Russia, Iran, Turkey, Lybia and Sudan invade Israel.
Sign Of The Times 3/2/2024
We truly are in the last of the last days. Evil men have become worse and worse as the Bible predicted. People are divided. The world is in chaos. The world is in confusion. Gender confusion is an ideology. I would call it religion almost. We have The world is being controlled by an agenda. What is the agenda? It goes back to the garden of Eden. The serpent said to Eve “ye Hath God said…” He tried to place doubt in the word of God. Eve doubted. She hesitated. Instead of correcting the serpent she doubted. It confused her. Maybe she was wrong? She should have checked with God who evidently walked with them often in the garden. She made the mistake we all make. We act without waiting in prayer. She desired it and took it. She did not hesitate. She did not ask God if this was okay. She did not consult her husband. (which based on Adam’s actions wouldn’t have mattered) She did not consult with God. She could have said…”I’m confused. Let me check with God when He comes to check on us today.” No the spirit of rebellion had captivated her. She and Adam seemed to want to cast off the shackles of God and be independent. That is our world today. The world wants to cast off God and do it his way.
Well, man’s way is the way of confusion, chaos, and finally destruction. We cannot be whole without our Father God. We cannot have joy without our Father God. We cannot have purpose without our Father God. But God worked it all out. When we receive Jesus Christ we become more than God’s children. We will go from innocence, to sinner to holiness. We have become holy like Him and when we cast off this sinful flesh one day. We can never sin again and rebel against God. And we will have all eternity to live for Him, fellowship with Him and praise Him!
Sign Of The Times 2/21/2024
Mornings in Northeastern Pennsylvania start on WILK-FM with ‘The Bob Cordaro Show’ described as “convincingly conservative, lovingly logical, proudly and passionately patriotic and reliably right”. And then eventually other conservatives come on the air. But that may be about to change.
WILK is one of a number of Pennsylvania stations owned by Audacy (five in Philadelphia alone), the second largest radio broadcaster in America and it, along with over 200 radio stations across the country, is about to fall into the hands of George Soros in time for the 2024 election..
After Audacy was forced to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Soros Fund Management bought hundreds of millions of its debt for 50 cents on the dollar and under a bankruptcy agreement will become its largest shareholder with a potential impact on much of the country and its politics.
When Republicans take over Democrat radio stations, Democrats don’t take it lying down. When Caracol 1260 AM, a Latino radio station, was being sold in 2021 to a group that included a conservative Hispanic figure, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, a Democrat organization, sounded alarm bells and urged the FCC to block the sale. The sale fell through and the Democrats won in 2022. It appears that Republicans won’t fight the Democrats take over of conservative radio. A conservative Biblical worldview is not welcome any more in American media! But we already knew that!
Sign Of The Times 2/13/2024
Atomic scientists say it is the closest to Midnight ever and the most dangerous time in history. Believers are not looking for doomsday but rather, departure day. I think there might me some kind of Nuclear exchange during the tribulation. If not a bomb something is blowing up a lot of the earth and the sea. I don’t know if it’s the most dangerous time but it sure is the most perilous time. Perilous means grave, hazardous and dangerous. So it’s the same word basically as dangerous. But the Bible uses this word to describe a time of great risk of great loss or injury.
2 Timothy 3:1 “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” But understand this, that in the last days dangerous times of great stress and trouble will come their will be difficult days that will be hard to bear. Right now is the time to come to faith in Christ. Times will come that we cannot even imagine. The stress we feel now will be nothing compared to what’s coming. Famine, disease, persecution, wars, and deception that even the most faithful follower of Christ would fall for if the days were not shortened. The Holy Spirit is restraining evil until Christ comes for His church and begins the day of the Lord which will be a time of the wrath of God poured out on an unbelieving world. Today is the day of salvation we may not have tomorrow.
Sign Of The Times 2/7/2024
You know we are in the final stages of an invasion when even the corporate media is reporting on the thousands of Chinese nationals streaming across the U.S. southern border. CBS’s 60 Minutes reports that the Chinese-owned social media platform TikTok is being used to aid and abet the invasion of America. These invaders are given maps by the Red Cross. Invaders are given a handbook on what to do and how to cross into America. Invaders are given free bus and train rides through Central American countries and Mexico to get to America. Ecuador does not even require any papers to come to their country and are the staging area for the Darian Gap. The Darian gap is the most dangerous part of the journey where many hundreds have died trying to get through this jungle. Why do the invaders start in Ecuador and risk the dangerous Darian Gap? Because they are not delayed, checked or held by their immigration system. So they begin their journey there and if they get through the Darian gap they have it made. And can easily cross the over 2 thousand miles to America. And nobody is doing a thing about it in our country. The President claims he cannot do anything about it. But it was this President who made the many executive orders that made the border wide open! Chinese men out number Chinese women almost 3 to 1. They are coming here to take over America, take your land and have babies. The Muslims have America under Jihad watch and want Sharia Law here. This will not end good for America. Our time as the great America we knew….. sad to say is very short.
Sign Of The Times 1/31/2024
The Globalists have already told us what the next pandemic will be. It’s called disease X. They have had meeting about it. Just like in the fall of 2019 they planned Covid to disrupt elections in America and cause chaos and confusion around the world as a test case. And it worked beautifully and they even convinced people to take a deadly vaccine. Well disease X is on its way. Will people fall for it? Of course they will. Most people will do anything for “peace and safety.” 1 Thessalonians 5:3 “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” The strange thing to me is that the number one reason they restrict entry into a countries borders is the spread of disease. You cannot cross borders unless you have proven yourself to be disease free. Well now they don’t check anybody for disease. Who knows who or what diseases these people carry and know one cares. But they are warning you that disease X is on the way! There is no disease X is just a lie. If they were really concerned about world health they would quarantine the borders! 2 Timothy 3:1-3 “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good.”
Sign Of The Times 1/10/2024
CBS News investigative reporter Catherine Herridge made a “dark” prediction that 2024 will produce a “Black Swan Event” which shocks the world. There are a number of concerns—concerns, I have that factor into that,” explained Herridge. “Not only this sort of enduring, heightened threat level that we’re facing, the wars in Israel, also Ukraine.” “And we’re so divided in this country in ways that we haven’t seen before. And I think that just creates fertile ground for our adversaries like North Korea, China and Iran. And that’s what concerns me most,” she added. A “swan dive” event is given in some dictionary definitions as a suicide, a headlong plunge into a fatal impact. It might be described as a dive into oblivion.
It is more than interesting that those in charge, the New World Order builders, seem to be forecasting such a future for America and the world. I myself wonder if it might be Satan working to prepare those who will be in charge of post-Rapture governments for what is coming. Certainly, Lucifer , knows God cannot lie. He knows the time of Daniel’s seventieth week is on its way, Rather than describing what is coming as a black swan dive into terrible times, the Lord Jesus Christ put the coming darkest of times on planet Earth as follows. “And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” (Luke 21:34–36)—Terry James
Sign Of The Times 1/3/2024
Terry James—No recent development has been more significant than the movement toward establishing a New World Order. A specific element that is most troubling within that movement is termed “the great reset.”
This term means the globalization of the entire world—In their view the very existence of the planet depends upon their being able to achieve their goals—within what they call Agenda 21 and now Agenda 30. This “agenda” means they must accomplish all their shaping of this global order no later than the year 2030.
These would-be globalist masters don’t see the things developing as we do by looking at them through the prism of Bible prophecy. While we see things advancing toward Antichrist’s regime at an amazing and frightening pace, the globalists, such as author of the book, The Great Reset, see things as being slowed and inhibited by forces they must eliminate. That is, they must eliminate those like us, for example. And by “us,” I mean both we who are Christians pointing out their evil, and this nation, the United States of America, whose people have been steeped in basic liberty and God-given rights from a Judeo-Christian foundation for almost three centuries.
Don’t resist the Great Resist. Preach Bible prophecy—and from the pre-Trib view. Jesus is about to intervene in the wicked affairs of humankind. The Rapture, according to all the signs and signals of the coming Tribulation raging in every direction, is about to disrupt life on planet Earth!
—Terry James
Sign Of The Times 12/21/2023
Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea. A Jewish boy. Today He would be born in the West Bank of so-called Palestinian disputed territory. Christians and Jews have to be careful when they visit the site where the Son Of God was born. The Jewish Messiah who started the Christian Church and Christians and Jews are not welcome at the place of His birth! It’s like they are trying to wipe out the fact that Jesus was born. You think that God will not reclaim the land that Jesus was born in you are sadly mistaken. Jews today are being rejected all over the world. Many Jews are considering leaving Great Britian! Jews are considering leaving other nations because of harassment and an increased feeling of danger. I have been shocked at the level of hatred for Jews among the people who claim to be Christians. So-called Christians who blame Israel for everything bad in the world today. Now Israel is not perfect, they are very secular. They accept every sexual deviancy known to man. And of course they have rejected Jesus Christ….But we know that God’s promises to them are going to be fulfilled and we know that they will come to faith in Christ when He returns. He promised Abraham they would be a great nation and all who bless her will be blessed. He promised Moses that He would lead the people to the own land. He promised David that His descendant would rule Jerusalem forever! We know the land is God’s land. It is the We know that it was our God who gave us Jews who gave us the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Church! Israel is the apple of God’s eye! His beloved. His children. They have suffered much and one day their suffering will end.
Sign Of The Times 12/12/2023
David Fiorazo—Narratives, talking points, and propaganda against the biblical worldview have been effective and are increasing. This has caused hostility toward Christians and Jews to spike. Spiritual warfare has manifested as forces of darkness have been working overtime.
From the godless protesters in NY at the lighting of the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center to useful idiots on U.S. college campuses supporting Hamas, to young people in the UK wanting to ban the Bible, to the enemies of God coming after Saturday people first, then Sunday people. Prophetic battles are reaching a boiling point and that it seems an unprecedented number of “demons were unleashed” to carry out the horrific attacks against Israel by Hamas in October. Since then, protests have erupted around the world and most disturbingly on U.S. college campuses and city streets. It would appear the army is being assembled for the revolution in part because Satan knows his time is short. Wretched old James Carville said on CNN that Christians like Johnson are a “fundamental threat to the United States,” and added: “Mike Johnson and what he believes is one of the greatest threats we have today to the United States…”This is a bigger threat than al-Qaeda to this country.” House Speaker Johnson responded to Carville’s attack, saying, “It’s twisted and shameful that a leading Democrat strategist says millions of Christians in America are a greater threat than foreign terrorists who murdered more than 3,000 Americans—-David Fiorazo …The On the contrary….Christians are America’s greatest asset!! God said so. “ Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”
Sign Of The Times 12/6/2023
—The Blaze—How corrupt is the big Pharma industry and our government? Eight months ago, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced he was investigating Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson for potentially lying to the public concerning the success of their respective COVID-19 vaccines. Three weeks after Paxton had initially announced the investigation, he was impeached. Now, he’s filed a lawsuit. Paxton’s lawsuit alleges that Pfizer violated the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act, claiming that Pfizer “engaged in false, deceptive, and misleading acts and practices by making unsupported claims.” The first thing I did when I came back was I told my staff, ‘I want to get back on this,’ and we did,” Paxton tells Sara Gonzales. What Paxton and his staff found was more than enough information to bring Pfizer down. “Pfizer’s widespread representation that its vaccine possessed 95% efficacy against infection was highly misleading from day one,” the petition created by Paxton and his staff reads. If they used the numbers that the FDA said they should use, it was more like the vaccine was effective 1% or less of the time. That’s not an effective vaccine,” he adds.—The Blaze—The sad thing is that it doesn’t matter. Everyone knows Big Pharma and the US Government lied. It makes no difference. Everyone knows that Covid was created in a lab by the US and China Governments. It doesn’t matter. Everyone knows that Covid was used by the elite to destroy American’s. It doesn’t matter. People today are so pathetic. They only care about social media , the next game or the next event on their personal calendar. Romans 13:11 “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.”
Sign Of The Times 11/24/2023
Satan’s plan is to exterminate the Jews. Plain and simple. If there is no Jew then God cannot complete His promises to Israel. There is not a scripture in the Bible that revokes any of these promises. Jeremiah 31:33-36 “ But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. 35 Thus saith the Lord, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The Lord of hosts is his name: 36 If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the Lord, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever.” Zechariah 14:9-11 “And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one. 10 All the land shall be turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem: and it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her place, from Benjamin’s gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananeel unto the king’s winepresses. 11 And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabit
Sign Of The Times 11/14/2023
Recent photos now show that Gazan civilians were involved in the attack on Israel on October 7th. This included women and children. They are not the innocent civilians that we are told by the media. Of course that doesn’t mean that all the people of Gaza were involved…..but it does mean that Hamas is supported by the general population. One war historian said “there are no wars that don’t kill and even target civilians.” I hate war but sometimes you have no choice but to fight if you are going to survive as a nation and a people. The people of Gaza have decided which side they were on when they put these terrorists in power in the first place. They had and have a choice and they have chosen to side with the very people that want to destroy Israel as a people. I hate seeing people suffer in war but you have to say that you brought it on yourself.
In another development, Algeria in northern Africa has voted 100-0 to support Gaza and Hamas. What does that mean? Algeria is a close neighbor to Libya. In Ezekiel 38:5 we see the name “Put” as one of the people groups that will invade Israel. Put is considered to be Libya, another Islamic (mainly Sunni) nation, and possibly includes Algeria and Tunisia because the ancient borders extended west beyond modern Libya. So it means that Algeria could be Put as far as this end time war concerns. Lybia has no organized military right now but Algeria does. “look up your redemption draweth nigh.”–Most information in this comes from Olive Tree Views
Sign Of The Times 11/11/2023
The silence of today’s shepherds are leaving people asking: “where is the hope?” If there’s anything people need today, it’s hope. We are immersed in a culture of violence, deceit, and death. In the U.S., mass shootings have become commonplace. The horrors of Hamas’ massacre shocked those not drawn into the demonic lies spread by the Palestinians. Anti-Semitic rants have become commonplace on our streets and on many college campuses causing many to fear for their lives.
—-Jonathan Brentner.
Preachers and pastors today seem to leave people hanging. They don’t tell their people what is coming and how it’s all going to end. They don’t tell their people what God is doing today in His prophetic word. They don’t give you any hope in God given to us in His perfect word but only hope in man. They feel that eventually man will work it all out and only then will God be able to bring peace to this earth. But that is man-centered Christianity. But man fell and the earth is cursed. There is no man that can bring peace and joy to this earth! But God’s Son Jesus Christ has already given us the peace that we need. Peace with God through faith and trust in Jesus Christ. And God has given peace about the future for His word tells us that He is coming for His bride, His church and until then we must do His work. We cannot be silent about the amazing prophecies in the Bible. We have hope in Christ for He wins in the end! And If He wins then we who are in Him win!!
Sign Of The Times 11/2/2023
Vladimir Putin will now see Israel as an “enemy” as he moves closer to Iran and sides with Hamas in the Middle East, a former speechwriter for the Russian President tells Daily Express US.
Hamas has called Russia its “closest friend” as the terror group vows to release eight Russian hostages kidnapped during its October 7 attack in Israel. This is exactly what you would expect to happen as the world prepares not for World War III but for the Gog-Magog war! Russia, Iran, Turky, Libya and Sudan will align against Israel and come down to destroy Israel and take a “spoil.” We should be amazed as we see the word of God being played out before our very eyes! The late great Bible prophecy teacher Chuck Missler always said to look to see what Turkey is doing that they were the key. Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has totally turned against Israel and fully supports Hamas. Erdogan is a devout Muslim. He memorized the Koran as a young man. He hates Israel as all Muslims do and He is showing his true colors now. Islam cannot let Israel exist. The stage is almost set. All that is left is for Israel to be dwelling without walls and securely. The only way that can happen is for Israel’s neighbors to be subdued. And that may happen soon. When Israel is done with Hamas they will turn their attention to Lebanon, Syria and Jordan and uproot the terrorists in those countries. Read Psalm chapter 83, Ezekiel chapters 36-39, Zechariah 12:1-3 and chapter 14, Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah 49:34-39 as it talks about these events to come.
Sign Of The Times 10/28/2023
From Olive Tree Ministries Headlines…..Tens of thousands protesting against Israel in Great Britain. The protesters want Israel to stop bombing Gaza after Hamas terrorists massacred 1,400 Jews in southern Israel. What did they expect Israel would do? The protesters are not concerned about the 220 Jewish hostages held by Hamas.
Jews in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn are being advised to take extra precautions as the New York City borough prepares for pro-Hamas demonstrations. The demonstration will take place as Orthodox Jews, who compose up to 25 percent of the Crown Heights population, mark Shabbat, the weekly Jewish day of rest.
The people of Gaza are not innocent in all of this. Hamas enjoys widespread support among Gaza’s civilian population, which voted Hamas into power and would likely do so again. This support finds expression not only in public opinion polls, but the Gaza population is active participation in Hamas attacks.
Jonathan Brentner asks… “Since Hamas’ barbaric attack on Israel, the buildup of military forces on the Mediterranean Sea exceeds anything we have ever seen in recent times. One report that I read stated that the U.S. has 40 ships, 3 submarines, 200 jets, and 40,000 soldiers on its destroyers and aircraft carriers in the Middle East.” What a time to be alive! Jesus is coming for His church! BE READY
Sign Of The Times 10/10/2023
‘Today It’s Israel, Tomorrow It’s Us’: After Israel Attack, GOP Warns of Terror in U.S. Due to Joe Biden’s Open Border Policy Highlighting Israel’s costly failure to secure its border over the weekend, Republicans are speaking out on the increasing threat of terrorism on U.S. soil due to poor border security that has already seen an unprecedented amount of people on the terrorist watchlist caught attempting to cross the southern border, leading to concerns of untold amounts of others who have managed to successfully infiltrate the country. Israel was warned by one of it’s neighbors that something big was about to happen. They for some reason ignored it and we see the results. Our United States borders are completely unprotected and wide open for anyone who wants to come in. Criminals, thugs, murderers, rapists, drug pushers and child traffickers. But the most worrisome thing is the military aged Chinese, Russians and Arabs that are coming in. We are being invaded pure and simple and our government is a part of this. This is treachery at it’s highest! We deserve everything that happens to us. We have deserted the God of the Bible and have taken up with the God of homosexuality, Drugs, Transgenderism, and gas lighting. (that is when you are caught red handed getting in the cookie jar but they tell you that you didn’t see what you thought you saw.) Jesus is coming soon as they have upped the game and attacked Israel. The Psalm 83 war appears to be coming to fulfillment. Psalm 83:4-5 “They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee”
Sign Of The Times 10/4/2023
Is a Peace Covenant That Could Shock The World Coming Soon? Will a “peace covenant” soon be announced that will permanently alter world history in a major way? For months, Israel and Saudi Arabia have been quietly negotiating a deal that would normalize relations between the two nations. But the biggest barrier to a deal was always going to be the Palestinians.
The Saudis are insisting that any agreement must include major concessions from both the U.S. and the Israelis. And the Palestinians are publicly making it known that they will not accept any outcome that does not involve formal U.S. recognition of Palestinian statehood at the United Nations. At one time, such a demand would have killed negotiations, but apparently the Biden administration is very open to making such a move.
Originally published at End Of The American Dream – reposted with permission.
Israel will be dwelling safely at some time in the near future (Ezekiel 38:11 and 14) which means they have subdued the enemy nations that surround them by some kind military attack. (Psalm 83) But peace won’t last long. Then they will be attacked by a Russia-Iran led coalition. God will destroy this coalition but in a twist…. The peace treaty between Israel, Saudia Ariabia and the Palestinians will now be guaranteed not by God but by the Beast of Revelation. (Daniel 9:27)
Sign Of The Times 9/26/2023
The many signs, along with the voices of many students of Bible prophecy, sound the alarm regarding the nearness of the Tribulation. Wisdom continues to cry out with the message that Jesus is coming soon, but so few are paying attention. But that is exactly what the Bible predicted. Luke 18:8 “Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” I’ve been teaching and preaching Bible prophecy since the eary 1980’s. We have to understand the last of the last days began when Israel became a nation again in May of 1948. That fulfilled many Bible prophecies about the return of Israel to their land in the last days. Deuteronomy 30:3 “ Deuteronomy 30:3 “That then the Lord thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the Lord thy God hath scattered thee.” Moses predicted that God’s people would be scattered throughout the world and would return them to their land from all those nations. This happened for the first time and only time in 1948!! Israel is the billboard of fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled Bible prophecy. It screams at us that Jesus is coming to soon to rule and reign over His people! God is going to keep His promises to Israel! But people ignore this and in fact hatred of Jews is reaching fever pitch. The Jews are blamed for everything today! Yes there is a synagogue of Satan….Jews that are following the devil. The Bible tells us that God’s people will be in unbelief in the last days. Only one third of them will believe in Jesus and survive to enter into the millennial kingdom
Sign Of The Times 9/22/2023
FedNow goes live. On June 29th, the U.S. Federal Reserve announced that 57 firms have been certified to utilize its new instant payments system called “FedNow.” The Federal Reserve said 41 banks and 15 service providers would be “early adopters” after its late July launch. The Federal Reserve officially launched this “wonderful” new product, and FedNow is now live at 35 banks. Could this be the precursor to the digital currency. It’s supposed to be a quick and convenient way to get payments made. There is no delay, no red tape…it’s immediate!
People will love the convenience, the speed and the….control? Many economists are warning that this could signal the end of cash which they say is the death to the dollar and our American economy. The Beast system will definitely use digital banking. How else could he control ALL buying and selling? People are seeing the book of Revelation coming true right before their eyes and they are all asleep! Only the remnant church is looking for Jesus! Who is the remnant church? Those who understand and search the scriptures daily are seeing what is going on and are preparing for the coming of the Lord! Luke 18:8 “Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” And Jesus also said in Matthew 24:39 “ And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” The signs are everywhere that this world is quickly coming to a crescendo, where the forces of evil will meet the Son of God!
Sign Of The Times 9/5/2023
Former rescuer avoids jail by agreeing to indefinitely provide Biden administration with information on pro-lifers. A former pro-life rescuer has signed an agreement with the federal government that requires her to fully cooperate with the pro-abortion Biden administration whenever it calls upon her for information on pro-life operations. She was arrested along with several others that were charged with terrorism. They supposedly prayed with and shared their faith with girls there for an abortion but did not hinder anyone from going in. They were convicted of hindering access to an abortion clinic. They were not given bail because the judge said that they were under terrorism laws and were put in handcuffs and taken to jail. This lady caved to the pressure and in order to stay out of jail has become an informant. I understand no one wants to go to jail. I understand that that she may have a family with children that need her. So we cannot be too hard on her. What would you do if they came for you and threatened to take you from your family, your job or take your retirement check and send you to jail? That’s tough.
But Jesus told us to count the cost of discipleship. Luke 14:27-28 “And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?” Matthew 10:33 “But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 16:24 “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” We are already facing the outlawing of Christian thought in America. The question is….how will you respond? Back down or stand firm?
Sign Of The Times 8/30/2023
Why Young Americans Are Not Taught about Evil – Dennis Prager
Almost half of Americans ages 18-39 cannot identify Aushwitz or any other Nazi death camp. They don’t learn about Mao’s 60 million murdered or Pol Pot’s one in every four Cambodians murdered. The have not been taught about the ten million murdered in the Russian Civil war by Lenin and later the millions more by Stalin. The first reason is that nearly all the genocides of the 20th century were committed by communists, and the Left, which runs virtually all educational institutions, has always had a soft spot for communism. If people were to recognize that communism has been the greatest source of evil in the modern age in terms of numbers murdered, number of lives destroyed, liberty stolen, and the sheer amount of human suffering inflicted the left would lose its appeal. Another reason is the foolish notion that people are basically good. This has been a left-wing belief since the French Enlightenment leader Rousseau came up with the idea. He wrote “man is naturally a good being, loving justice and order; there is no natural perversity in the human heart.” This nonsense had been foreign to the Western mind. Its view of humanity was rooted in the Bible and the belief that man’s heart is evil from his youth. The Bible repeatedly warns us about the evil of the human heart. But as the West began to abandon the Bible, and the God of the Bible. And to believe as Marx put it “man is God.” For if there is no God to believe in one must believe in man—or he has nothing to believe in. The third reason is that all genocides in history were committed by big government! And that is not taught to our young people today!
Sign Of The Times 8/17/2023
Jesus said there would be a time when deceivers would say anything they want. He warned His listeners not to be deluded into thinking that false teaching and false prophecy came from Him. Jesus said all deception came from the deceiver’s father, the devil, who is the “father of lies.” Just how corrupt is the lying U.S. Food and Drug Administration? Dr. Anthony Fauci and the entire biomedical security state apparatus that peddled fear of Covid and said the only hope of defeating the virus was to wait for a new technologically advanced “vaccine” — the same “vaccine” that proved unsafe and ineffective? Now they have come out and said it was okay to prescribe Ivermectin and that they never forbade doctors from prescribing it. I listened to a man describe a series of videos by a YouTuber who monitors the financial health of California cities. He went down various streets in San Francisco and showed how nearly every major retailer has left the heart of the city. Just a few years ago, the city had some of the richest areas in the nation. Market Street was the Broadway of the West Coast. But the lying media and White House says everything is just fine in San Francisco.
Proverbs 14:34 “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” Proverbs 29:2 “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”
Sign Of The Times 8/8/2023
By Oliver Melnick—-One of the major accusations against Jewish people worldwide is that we have been accused of wanting to take over the world for centuries, Consider this, Between 1901 and 2022, out of the 900 people who receive the Nobel Prize, 211 were Jewish. Jewish people make up only 0.02% of the world population! Jewish people recognize that the duty of every person is to make the world a better place. Additionally, religious Jews believe that every one of the 613 commandments prescribed in the Torah are representative of this belief. The desire to make this world a better world is commendable. One certainly doesn’t have to be Jewish to seek this. This being said, when we look at Jewish innovation over the centuries, and certainly over the last few decades, we must admit that many improvements came from Jewish people. The world is indeed a better place because of inventions like drip irrigation, the laser, pacemakers, stainless steel, the polio vaccine, word-processing computers, mobile phones and Google, to name just a few. It is entirely possible that there exists a certain jealousy between some people and the Jewish people. Coupled with the longest hatred of antisemitism, Jewish inventions and innovations, instead of being praised, are seen as means to an end, that end being world domination. Jews are not guilty of a takeover but certainly of a makeover.—Oliver Melnick. They are God’s chosen people and have suffered much from the jealousy of the world influenced by the devil himself. He hates the Jews and for good reason. The Jews brought us the Bible and the Savior and will bring us the King of all kings…..Jesus Christ!
Sign Of The Times 7/25/2023
Jesus Christ created this world. Colossians 1:16-17 “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.” He owns it. It belongs to Him. Yet the world He created is in complete rebellion against Him…except for the remnant of believers and followers of Jesus Christ! This is the true church. The church of the living God is few in number but the most powerful force in the universe because we have the power of the Holy Spirit behind us! So how long will He put up with the complete rebellion against Him?
How long will He put up with the sexual deviancy that thumbs their nose at His created order of things? How long until God avenges the thousand upon thousand of Christians that are killed for their faith each year? How long Oh Lord? Revelation 6:10 “And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?” It may be tomorrow or it may be twenty more years….but know for sure….It is coming! Matthew 24:44 “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”
We are in the “think not” generation that has no fear of God, no thought of God, no thought of Jesus…. who is just a cuss word to them. But one day…..He will come. First He comes FOR His church then seven years later He will come back WITH His church to rule and reign as the righteous King of kings and Lord of lords! Then what will the wicked do? James 5:1 “Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.”
Sign Of The Times 7/20/2023
It’s Better Than You Can Imagine—Jonathan Brentner
As for us, as weary saints who continue to traverse through this wicked and lawless world, there’s no greater joy amid our struggles and sorrows than looking forward to the astounding joys of Heaven. It will be a paradise that far exceeds even our most fanciful imaginations.
In 1 Corinthians 15:47-54, Philippians 3:20-21, and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, the Apostle Paul describes the event that we today refer to as the “Rapture.” It’s the time we receive our glorified bodies, meet Jesus in the air, and return with Him to glory, or Heaven (see Colossians 3:4). Even if you are young, strong, athletic, and in excellent health, the glorified body Jesus gives to you on that day will still be a vast improvement. If you are older like me . . . let’s just say I’m looking forward to my imperishable body and not a day goes by when it doesn’t fill my heart with joyful anticipation of the future. Yet so many believers remain asleep in a bubble of normalcy, deaf to the alarm bells ringing in their ears, and blind to the signs given to them throughout Scripture. Sadly, a great many Christians are lulled into such drowsiness by “Bible-believing” pastors who promote the false veil of normalcy by proclaiming a message of “peace, peace” As I look at the wickedness, violence, rampant deception, and extreme lawlessness in America, I’m certain that we live on borrowed time. God’s judgment on the country that I love is long, long, overdue. Someday, perhaps very soon, the Lord will say “enough,” and sudden destruction will fall on America and the world, but only after He removes believers from the earth.
It could all begin on a day just like today.
Sign Of The Times 7/11/2023
Artificial Intelligence (AI) along with swarms of drones will be a far greater weapon than nuclear weapons ever could be. This is according to military experts around the world. With swarms of drones and the use of Artificial intelligence you can attack and destroy any enemy with surgical precision without any collateral damage. If someone is plotting against our nation you can use these drones to hunt them down and destroy them. There is no place to hide. These drones can penetrate any defense and find their way into any defense against them by their sheer numbers. They are patient. They are relentless and they have no mercy. Just a paltry 25 million dollars can buy you this kind of weapon. How long before this gets into the hands of the elite who will use these to get rid of any who oppose their godless agenda? How long before nations come against those who will not bow the knee to the world’s elite with these type of weapons? I don’t know if these weapons will be used in the tribulation…..but could the locusts who come out of the pit after the angel blows the 5th trumpet judgment be drone/hybrid humans? Part drone…part demonic possessed humans?
As I mentioned these drones can destroy any enemy with such precision that there is no collateral damage at all. Revelation 9:3-4 “And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. 4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.” Very interesting for sure.
Sign Of The Times 7/5/2023
The lies of our government. There is a Youtube video called the top ten lies of our Government. The Biden administration is nothing but a complete lie. They lied about the election. They lie about his son Hunter. They lie about Ukraine. They lie about China. They lie about Russia. They lie about the economy. They lie about Climate Change. They lie about abortion. They lie about the border. They lie about vaccines. They lie about UFO’s. They lie about the banking crises. They lie about BLM. They lie about our military. They lie about Covid. The Pentagon, the CIA and FBI are all liars.
But the poster boy of the lies of our government is none other than Richard/Rachel Levine. Richard/Rachel is an American pediatrician who serves as the United States assistant secretary for health since March 26, 2021. He/she is also an admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. He/she was named as one of the USA Today’s women of the year in 2022, which recognizes women who have made a significant impact on society. Can you tell me who the past US assistant secretary for health was? Of course you can’t. The position was mostly ceremonial until Richard/Rachel was named to the position. We have to see his disgusting self all the time on news outlets. Why? I believe that God is using him to represent all the lies of our government is involved in.
Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death
Sign Of The Times 6/28/2023
Jan Markel: Time is running out. Why is it so hard for most churches and Christians to acknowledge this? The root of today’s blindness to these facts is the silence of the church. Some 30 years ago, our seminaries dropped eschatology from their class line-up and pastors have not been trained in things to come. What a tragedy! At such a time as this, the shepherds are not equipped.
Many pastors state they don’t wish to take a “controversial” stand when it comes to last days’ eschatology. Is it pre-Tribulation, mid or post? Is it Amillennial, Premillennial, or Postmillennial? And will the addition of these topics really grow a church or just divide it?? It might be better to set such topics aside and deal with day-to-day needs of a congregation and its hurting people.
But they have robbed them of the “blessed hope”! (Titus 2:13) How can pastors not see the signs of the times, and as a result, provide those in their charge with the hope they desperately need in these perilous times?
As Jonathan Brentner summarizes in his article, “We are living on borrowed time. God is sovereign, but from our perspective we see His patience with a nation and world gone mad. He’s holding back the full explosion of evil and destruction that will happen at the beginning of the Day of the Lord.” If this is the birth pangs can you imagine how bad the tribulation will be? Read Revelation chapters 6-19. We now can visualize how these Biblical events will come to pass soon.
Sign Of The Times 6/20/2023
Obama said the good news is that most people are now aware that “not everything that pops up on your phone is true.” But, he said, misinformation can still be used, for example, to discourage people from voting by characterizing the system as rigged and corrupt. The former president said “I am worried about that kind of cynicism developing even further during the course of this next election.” So he is calling for a “digital fingerprint” that can trace every thing you say or send or type on social media or on your device can be traced back to you. So you can be silenced by being murdered or locked away in a gulag.
But we know that he’s not worried about the next election! He’s worried that the American people will find out what a communist he and his cronies really are! He’s worried that people will find out that his puppet Joe Biden is not in charge but ruled by a cabal of globalists who have an agenda of one world government. He’s worried that people will find out that their agenda is to destroy our country and that they will find out that climate change is a hoax and that gender transition is a crime against children. He’s worried that people will find out that voting fraud was committed in 2020 and 2022 and will be again in 2024 and that child trafficking is rampant among the globalists. He’s worried that we will find out that BLM and Antifa were plants to divide and conquer our nation and that Covid and vaccines were a de-population plan to save the planet from humans! He’s worried that people will find out that open borders are meant to replace patriotic American’s with foreigners who will be obedient sheep to keep them in power and that the military industrial complex will be found out to be the criminals and murderers that they are for pushing war after war after war including Ukraine.
Sign Of The Times 6/13/2023
There is a new “AI” Bible coming soon. AI is going to re-write the Bible over and “correct” any problematic things in it. I can see how that will work out. AI doesn’t like the virgin birth….so change it. AI doesn’t like creation in seven days…. Change it. AI doesn’t like the story of a world wide flood..change it. AI doesn’t like Jonah being swallowed by a literal fish…then change it. AI doesn’t like the resurrection of Christ and His return then change it! You can see how AI can be used to change the Biblical narrative easily to fit the narrative of man. It will make perfect sense because after all….. AI has to be right because it’s based on perfect logic and perfect deductions. This will be just part of the great lie mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie” There will be the deception of Aliens coming to our planet and telling us that they are God and the Bible is fake news. There is the lie that Evolution created us and not God. All these are part of the one great lie of Satan at the Garden of Eden….Man is god! And that is your true destiny! Who wouldn’t want to be a god right? But those of us who follow Jesus Christ know who is God and we follow Him to reach our true destiny which is to be with Him forever and ever in glory and in truth and joy!
Sign Of The Times 6/07/2023
The United States government has come up with Four Steps to Far Right Radicalization pyramid. The Christian Broadcasting network (CBN) is on the bottom level. That means according to the US Government….Christianity is the first step toward Far Right Radicalization. Christians are thought of with the same regard as the Islamic Radicals that led the 911 attacks. And Anti-government radicals like David Koresh and Ruby Ridge. You know the government came and fought the later two and killed them all. How can a nation founded on Christian principles and the Bible now turn on that foundation in less than 250 years? As a nation moves away from God it moves toward tyranny and Godless rebellion. They can’t help but hate God. That’s what godless rebels do. They try to destroy God. That’s what Artificial Intelligence goal is…to replace God. To be the Noah’s Ark of the godless. To save them from death so that they might live forever in the matrix between man and machine.
God knew that man would get this bad but still He offers salvation to them. And many in the last few years have come to Christ and that makes God very happy. Broad is the way that leads to destruction and many find that road. But few find the path to life in Jesus Christ. But even a few is enough to hold off God’s coming judgment on this wicked world. But the time of judgment is very near. 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. (When the church is taken away) And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.”
Sign Of The Times
The Durham report leaves no doubt the FBI is a threat to our constitutional republic. What the report reveals above all is that the deep state is real, it’s corrupt, and it’s at war with the American people. . . The big takeaway from the report is that the Obama-era FBI launched a full investigation of the Trump campaign, codenamed Crossfire Hurricane, in the summer of 2016 despite having zero evidence of any collusion between Trump and Russia. It’s all a lie but it doesn’t matter. The media runs interference for these people. Why? Money! Power! Influence! Global players are all over this and totally intrenched in our country at all levels. Is it too late for America? I hate to tell you this but there is no doubt in my mind that we have gone way too far. We had four years under Trump to repent. We didn’t do it. We had two years under Covid terror to repent but we didn’t do it. Instead evil men have waxed worse and worse. We have cursed God. We have turned to total depravity instead of to Jesus Christ. War, death, murder, censorship, deception, and violence rule the day. Chaos and confusion is the result of a nation that turns from God. Our president’s confusion I believe is God revealing the confusion that we are in today as a nation. We don’t know what sex we are or what bathroom to use! We don’t know what UFO’s are! We don’t know what Covid 19 was! We don’t know if elections are real! We don’t know who to turn to for truth! Daniel 9:8 “O Lord, to us belongeth confusion of face, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against thee.”
Sign Of The Times
King Charles and the Globalists have set a meeting for September at which they will plot how to accelerate goals of U.N. Agenda 2030 and the complete digitization of humanity The World Economic Forum and United Nations are so concerned that the goals of Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development and the Great Reset (aka technocracy under a one-world beast system) are in jeopardy of not being fulfilled by the appointed date, that they have called for a summit in September to discuss how they can kickstart their stalled totalitarian agenda.
The September 18-19 Summit in New York will “mark the beginning of a new phase of accelerated progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals,” according to the U.N. website.
The WEF, founded in 1971 by German economist and engineer Klaus Schwab under the tutelage of Dr. Henry Kissinger, has said for years that by 2030 the people of the world will “own nothing,” that they will “have no privacy,” but they will somehow learn to like their evolving state of digital slavery.– Leo Hohmann.
Interestingly the Feast of Trumpets is September 16th this year. It begins ten days of preparation for the holiest day of the Jewish calendar which is September 25th…… the Day of Atonement.
If the church is raptured on the September 16th both events could go on without a hitch. The world elites will have their agenda 2030 meeting that with all the chaos can now implement immediately! And of course the Jews will still be here to have their Day of Atonement. .
Very interesting times for sure.
Sign Of The Times
America is in deep, deep trouble. First they came for Andrew Breitbart, in 2012. Then they came for Matt Drudge, in 2018. Then they came with COVID-19 just in time for the election of 2020. Then, in 2022, they came other defiant ones in the internet (via demonetization on You Tube and Twitter). Then they came for Tucker Carlson. The ten elites or ten kings or ten horns who hold all the world power cannot allow anyone to speak the truth about their plans. Slowly but surely conservative voices and Christians are being shut down. I have been given two strikes on Youtube and now I don’t post there anymore. I have been shadow banned by Face-book. (They limit how many people can see my posts.) Censorship now exists in America. Free speech is disappearing just as it did in Hitler’s Germany in 1935 and China and North Korea today. They have jailed people for protesting the election on January 6th and fired people for refusing to go along with the government. The can’t arrest ALL of us. But they can deplatform those they disagree with. If you don’t agree with what they tell us about vaccines, election interference, abortion, transgenderism, climate change, racial and social justice, and their definition of hate speech you are scoffed at and deplatformed and even lose your income.
2 Peter 3:3 “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts.”
Sign Of The Times
Scott Savell—
How will the world explain the rapture?
- It Can’t be the Rapture, Joel Osteen is still here – – Many of those left behind will have heard about the Rapture from Christian loved ones and friends. They will immediately conclude it was the Rapture. But, among those left behind will be some pretty prominent “Christian” religious leaders and even pastors. They will say the disappearances could not possibly be the Rapture because, after all, they are still here.
- Secret military technology — I can see world leaders suggesting secret military technology by a hostile adversary as the culprit behind the
- Quantum leap in the human evolutionary process — They may say something along the lines of the ‘vibrations’ of all those who disappeared were out of harmony with the rest (those left behind) in the evolutionary process.
- UFO’s, UAE’s, aliens, and the alien mother ship — World leaders will not only offer this as the explanation but they will be assisted by the appearance of UFO’s and aliens which will be nothing more than demons masquerading as our alien brothers or maybe even our creators. The Apostle Paul writes, “For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness”
Sign Of The Times
Middle East Expert declares that Iran is planning multi-front attack on Israel from nearby Syria. Dr. Kedar explained that the Iranian strategy is that the stock of interceptors for the “Iron Dome” will run out within two to three hours of the beginning of the air attack, after which the Israeli skies will be open to further assault. The next phase will focus on the air force which will be damaged and grounded.” All of these missile launches have occurred from the neighboring areas around Israel. Is this the Psalm 83 war where Israel’s neighbors coming against her? Many believe this will happen before the Ezekiel 38-39 war. That war is led by Russia, Iran, and Turkey. The Psalm 83 war…….Psalm 83:4-5 “They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee.” In verses 6-9 is the list of those that are coming against Israel. Some in the list are nations; others are people groups. If we apply a modern-day map to the names used in Psalm 83:6-9, we come up with these places….Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and the West Bank. Gaza and the West Bank are the homes of the Palestinians. Many of these missile attacks come from Syria. This is the amazing prophetic word of God coming true before our eyes today!
Sign Of The Times
U.S. pharma giant Pfizer has signed an agreement with China to cooperate on improving the country’s health coverage, according to the company. “We are aligned very much with the China ‘Healthy 2030’ [initiative] and we are trying to contribute as much as we can,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told CNBC. Did you notice the date…”2030.” That date shows up time and time again. I found 663 predictions for the year 2030. This is a year that promises world transformation in big ways. The World Economic Forum says by 2030 you will own NOTHING and be happy! Israel is signing international agreements that will last for seven years. 2023-2030. Agenda 2030 is the United Nations goal to end poverty by 2030. Of course the fine print is that they want to reduce world population as it’s number one goal. Mass murder is always the best way to reduce population and much less messy. Carbon….. the elixir of life will be banned so millions will die of hunger and exposure. Vaccines will kill millions and it will be blamed on Global warming. Never mind that most people in the world live in warm climates than cold ones. We’re all set. Seven years left and the world will undergo drastic changes according to the world elite. I totally agree with them. The world is going to change drastically very soon, but not the way they envision. Jesus Christ is going to rule and reign on this earth. These arrogant world leaders are not afraid to give us the best arguments for the return of Christ we can have. They think they are the agents that are going to lead the change in seven years. Is the devil trying to give them a heads up, a cue to hurry up that time is short? Thank you for warning us. But will people listen?
Sign Of The Times
From Harbinger Daily…….A Post-Christian Society: As England Has Gone, So America Is Going. England has undeniably devolved into a post-Christian society. Soon, Elizabeth’s son Charles will be coronated as King. His rejection of the Christian faith as the sole path to God is well-documented. It is unlikely that he will even tolerate words like the ones above being included in his coronation, let alone pledge his devotion to upholding the Christian faith.
From the Hal Lindsey Report…..The United Nations is against God. Let that soak in. God kept His promise. A nation was born in a day. He brought His people back into the land that He gave them so long ago. And the UN now chooses to commemorate that miracle as a “catastrophe.” the Israeli news service I24 News reported, Palestinians consider the establishment of Israel and its existence to this day as “NAKBA” which means “catastrophe” in Arabaic.
From Newsmax….Israeli lawmakers are structuring a bill that would imprison or fine people who share the gospel in Israel.
What does all this mean? Christianity has fallen out of favor with the worlds governments and leadership. Of course we knew this was coming. John 15:20-21 “ Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know not him that sent me.”
Sign Of The Times
Video’s show Antifa thugs using pepper spray and umbrellas as weapons against law-abiding conservative students. Police are making a number of arrests. Earlier in the day UC Davis Chancellor Gary S. May called Turning Point USA (TPUSA) founder Charlie Kirk a “proponent of hate” and encouraged students to “neutralize and negate” TPUSA’s influence on campus. People in the world today will NOT tolerate Christians and Christian principles. They hate people who disagree with them. They hate Christian values so much they want to commit violence against those who hold to them. But killing them would be the preferred method. And they know that they can get away with assault and murder because it has been done around the world and growing every week. Everything that does not agree with the “party” line is hate speech and must be silenced. Do they even know what they are saying? What if they lose power? Do they want the same rules applied to them? Even our heavenly Father will NOT silence His enemies and detractors on this earth. He allows the wicked to blaspheme Him and shout down Bible preachers and even kill some of them. But at the same time He loves the wicked and is not willing for any of them to perish. He lets the wicked be wicked until one day it will end and righteousness will reign. What you reap you must sow. There will be a reaping one day. There will be a time to give account to God. That is something that these lunatic’s have not even thought about. “Vengence is mine…I will repay saith the Lord.”
Sign Of The Times
Any time a young person dies we all mourn for the loss of life but the loss of what could have been in their lives. We’ve had many young people taken in the prime of life by war, car wrecks, rare diseases and accidents. Drug overdoses and suicide deaths are senseless and cause us all great frustration. But when young people die with no explanation it should cause great concern and a full examination. “Died Suddenly” does not just happen. But it is exploding in our world today. We have experienced it in our own communities. How many people do you know or have heard have died suddenly. There is no autopsy in most cases. No outcry for explanation. No national news coverage. Zero. Crickets. Nothing. All of can only be linked to one thing. COVID VACCINES. But we are not allowed to talk about that. All theories that don’t make the vaccine narrative are Conspiracy theories and not allowed. Every time someone dies with no explanation under the age of 50 the question is never asked “were they vaccinated?” Even though that is the question that is on everyone’s mind. Damar Hamlin the football player that collapsed with cardiac arrest at the age of 24, no one has ever said if he was vaccinated or not. He said that “I can’t discuss that” and we just say….Okay. It’s not okay! These covid vaccine deaths and injuries are the greatest coverup and deception in the history of the world! But Jesus warned us about deception over and over again in the last days. The Bible proves to be once again our only source of truth.
Sign Of The Times
We are in a battle!! Even though we didn’t sign up for it, you and I are caught in the middle of a spiritual battle whether we realize it or not! The age-old war in the unseen realm has profound effects on the world in which we live. From individual struggles with sin and addiction to international geopolitical subterfuge, to covert planning by high-powered figures influenced by the occult—there is a prolific and direct war being waged all around us. We are in enemy territory—Todd Hampson
Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” The Battle is real and we’ve been in it for all of our Christian lives. But the devil has turned up the heat because he knows we are in the last days. He knows his time is short. Revelation 12:12 “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” We need to be faithful unto death to the Lord Jesus Christ! You will receive the crown of life for being faithful to the last day of your life! Know what the enemy is doing…understand the times we are in. But first and foremost keep your focus on Christ!
Sign Of The Times
Decision Magazine had a recent article entitled “We Must Talk About Hell.”
But in the church, the doctrine of hell is not only unpopular, it is almost forgotten. Billy Graham said that “in glancing through the books in my library, I found that there have not been many sermons on this subject in recent years. Because it has not been preached, few people seem to believe in hell anymore. I have had a number of ministers tell me that they have never preached a sermon on hell.” That was written several years ago by Billy Graham. How much worse is it today? Jesus spoke more about hell than heaven. 54 times the Bible mentions the word “hell.” Hell is a major subject in the New Testament. Why? Because it is real! It is beyond horrific! Humans will occupy hell! Jesus doesn’t want anyone to go there! If the bridge is out five miles down the road are you going to warn people about it? Of course you are. It’s up to them what they do about that warning. If it was your own family you will do more than just warn them. You would put up a road block! We can block the road to hell for our families by getting them in Sunday School and church. We block the road to hell by living Godly lives before our families. We block the road to hell by praying for our families. We block the road to hell by having Bible reading in our families. In the world today we don’t do anything to block the road to hell for those we love the most. So I guess we don’t really believe in hell. Isaiah 14:15 Yet thou SHALT be brought down to hell…. You will go there whether you believe it or not.
Sign Of The Times
World Economic Forum is meeting January, 17-22 in Davos Switzerland. They are discussing many ways to change the world and laws and times. They want fifteen-minute cities are popping up everywhere, and the World Economic Forum is wildly enthusiastic about them. Last year it was announced that Paris, France, would become a 15-minute city, and now the British city of Oxford is next. However, outraged Brits are fighting back. But it won’t do any good. The die is cast. They want to change everything we have ever known and enjoyed in our lives. It is unbelievable. They want people to be allowed to have only three new pieces of clothing, one pair of shoes, eight ounces of meat, limited driving and flying miles per year. It’s not madness it is the wicked one preparing the world for the Anti-Christ. Daniel 7:25 said the Anti-Christ will do this…”And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”
Sign Of The Times
“Tucker Carlson: ‘We were censored’ by the White House for pointing out ‘huge problems’ with COVID Vaccines. “It was never really a secret there were huge problems with the COVID shots. We knew this because the Biden administration’s own VAERS database indicated that from the beginning. A lot of people were being injured, but the media suppressed that news,” Carlson said. “We tried to point it out more than a year ago, not because we have a problem with vaccines or are anti-vaxxers, but because if you force people to take something you probably ought to know what it is and what effects it might have. That’s the most basic right of all.” —Olive Tree
Of course there are problems with the shot! Of course the government is covering it up. The lawsuits would total in the trillions if the truth came out!! Every day I read news of two or three young people that suddenly collapsed and died on the playing field or mowing the grass or exercising. They all have been jabbed and boosted. But no one wants to talk about that! 2 Timothy 3:13 “Evil men shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived.”
Sign Of The Times
Cultish Climate Agenda: Can We Resist the Green Dragon in the Coming Year? To the secular left, climate is king. Maybe I should say it is a god. Environmentalism has become a religion. People enthusiastically worship mother earth and scoff at God the Father. This has been a fifty-year process that officially began in the early 1970s with Earth Day. The left decided that anyone who disrespected the earth was suspect. So, how far will they go? Many voices are warning of climate lockdowns coming in 2023—Jan Markel.
The Bible warns us about those who love the creation more than the creator. Romans 1:25 “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections…” They love the creature…the created…. instead of the creator of all things and to whom all things consist and are held together…the Lord Jesus Christ! How can this happen? When people reject the God of the Bible, the God of creation they must turn to something of their own. Man has been deceived and this deception is spreading to every part of our lives and will affect every part of our lives as humans have become a blight on this Earth. But God said in Isaiah 45:18 ….”God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited.” God made the earth humans and we are a blessing to the earth… not a curse.
Sign Of The Times
The world elites Want Inside Your Skull: Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates Invest in Brain Chip Company Rivaling Musk’s Neuralink. Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos have both reportedly invested in Synchron, a new brain-computer interface startup that aims to compete with companies like Elon Musk’s Neuralink. This is mind control that is really possible. How long will God let this go before He says….That’s enough! But these evil people will not stop at that. Get ready America – The EU Plans To Impose Direct Carbon Taxes On Individuals. Would you like to pay a carbon tax every time that you turn your heater on? What about every time that you fill up your vehicle with gasoline? Incredibly, this will soon be what life is like in Europe. I don’t know why the corporate media in the United States is not talking about this, because this is an enormous story. But like everything else they protect the new world order agenda. Oh yes the story is out there but they only give it lip service. 2 Timothy 3:3 “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”
Sign Of The Times
Have you heard of the bizarre conference recently that called for a new ten commandments and a new kind of repentance? It also promoted a new covenant. In attendance were self-proclaimed Christians including the new evangelicals. This cult is demanding our worship and is recruiting pastors. These people want to make planet Earth their god and the
environment their pulpit. What an perfect illustration of end-time apostasy and delusion. Is it the end of Biblical discernment? What did you think the end-times would look like? I believe that things are not falling apart but falling into place. This is only one of many end-time attempts by Satan to fool mankind into worshiping something or someone other than God. Deception will be so great and so masterful that one day even the elect could be deceived.
Sign Of The Times
The goal in 2023 is to make the World Health Organization your personal doctor. You must submit or you cannot have a normal life. As a result, vaccine passports are back on the table. How do we fight back when we lose our choices, voices, and freedoms? The Black Robe Regiment was a group of pastors who spoke out against the tyranny of England on the Americas in 1776. The Abolutionist movement began as the pastors of England and the United States that brought attention to slavery and inspired others to bring it to an end in the western world. (Even though it continues to this day in African and Muslim nations.) It is the Pastors who are speaking out today against Abortion and Same-Sex marriage and Trans-genderism. It is the pastors today who need to speak out against the WHO and their plans to enslave the world. But the sad thing is…there isn’t nearly enough pastors willing to stand up and speak. As the Bible says 1 Timothy 4 verse 1 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.”
Sign Of The Times
By Jan Markel.
Genesis 6:5 “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” As we look around, it sure seems that the hearts and thoughts of many are evil continually! Are people hoping that America can be great again? The Bible says there is nothing new under the sun. History is repeating itself, and very few are paying attention. The churches are silent, and the protests are few, even to protect those innocent who can’t speak for themselves.
In the post-mid-term election, we saw ominous bills passed in states like California, Vermont, and Michigan. They truly tell us what time it is. We know from scripture that God will again destroy the earth, this time by fire. We continue to see the lawlessness and evil thoughts of man increase in intensity.
The mid-term elections showed the heart of America. America does not want God or His principles to rule the land. We are in a very dangerous position, and we should expect to see darkness increase.
Don’t be weary, and don’t give up! Paul said in Hebrews, “let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Jan Markel